Audit Log
The Audit Log keeps track of important events that happen within the Ganymede System such as user login/logout and object creation, updates, and deletes.

Column | Description | Example |
Action | The type of event | LOGGED_IN, CREATE, UPDATE |
Actor | Who or what initiated the event. Can be user email, Connection name, or Flow Run name. Another special case are System Actors which are events triggered automatically by external or internal systems. For example, "Ganymede" which means the event was triggered by Ganymede. |, my-analysis-flow |
Entity Type | Type of entity or object that the action applies to. | Flow, User, Agent |
Entity | Name/Identifier of the entity that the action applies to. | my-analysis-flow,, my-agent |
Timestamp | When the Audit Log event was recorded. Shown in your local timezone. | 10/29/2024, 11:00:12 AM |
Before | For UPDATE actions, shows the state of the object before the update. Only fields that were changed will be shown. For Flows and Agents, a link to Flow Version or Agent Version will be shown instead of a field by field comparison. | state: Archived |
After | For UPDATE actions, shows the state of the object after the update. Only fields that were changed will be shown. For Flows and Agents, a link to Flow Version or Agent Version will be shown instead of a field by field comparison. | state: Disabled |